
On 13 May 2024, the first Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian library in Kielce and the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship was opened.
The library was established on the basis of the INTEURO Centre for the Integration of Foreigners in Kielce at Sienkiewicza Street 78A, run by the Association Integration Europe - East 

The opening was attended by several dozen people, and the opening of the library was a response to numerous requests and questions from visitors to the CIF about access to contemporary literature and textbooks from Ukraine.

You are already welcome to use the ever-growing collection of our library.
We are also open to working with people who would like to help expand our collection, organise meetings, etc.

Official opening of the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Library at the INTEURO Centre for the Integration of Foreigners in Kielce [2024-05-13]

The library's Facebook profile is run by our editorial colleague, journalist Liudmyla Yurchenko.

In NOWINY we inform you about the numerous initiatives organised by the Library and, of course, about new book items.

Are you looking for Ukrainian literature?
Or would you like to donate your collection to us?

Feel free to contact us!

Articles on the site NOWINY:

Poetry of our rage - another meeting at the Ukrainian library in Kielce behind us

Join us for Friday meetings with Ukrainian literature at the Taras Shevchenko Library in Kielce

How to live so that your brain doesn't age? - online meeting with scientist Oleh Kryshtal at the Ukrainian Library in Kielce

Krylati Ukrainian Youth Association donates books to the Ukrainian library in Kielce

Book gift from Veronika Chekaliuk to the Ukrainian library in Kielce

Why a book? - A children's competition at the Ukrainian library in Kielce

"Shattered Revival" - photo report from the meeting

Shattered revival - 1 June 2024. - meeting in the Ukrainian library in Kielce

First meeting with literature in our Ukrainian library in Kielce

Seniors are invited to integration courses

We have good news - the information service for foreigners in the Świętokrzyskie voivodship has been launched

Do you have questions?

You are welcome to visit the Information Point for Foreigners in Kielce or contact us via the hotline: +48573338377 or e-mail: info@inteuro.info

We speak Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Where we are?

We have set up a hotline for you in four languages: Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Hotline: +48 573338377
Viber: +48789085083
e-mail: info@inteuro.info

25-501 Kielce
str. Sienkiewicza 78A (second floor)

The quickest way to find us is by visiting the online platform: Good Neighbourhood Map INTEURO.INFO
We also present on social networks Facebook, Instagram i YouTube.

We are available to you Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00 and on extra duty from 16:00 to 20:00 (selected days).



"INTEURO - program integracji i aktywizacji zawodowej cudzoziemców w Województwie Świętokrzyskim"
Stowarzyszenie Integracja Europa - Wschód
Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Kielcach