
Here, we publish a range of useful information on education in Poland for foreigners living in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship.

Here you will find useful information on Polish educational institutions, universities, training courses organised, as well as other forms of education in the region.
All this is based on our many years' experience of working with several thousand foreigners within the framework of the Association Integration Europe-East and the INTEURO Centre for Integration of Foreigners in Kielce.

Articles on the website NOWINY:

Get a education voucher in the European INTEURO project!

Training for staff working with foreigners

Registration for free Polish language courses for foreigners is open

Do you have questions? Need advice?

You are welcome to visit the Information Point for Foreigners in Kielce or contact us via the hotline: +48573338377 or e-mail: info@inteuro.info

We speak Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Where we are?

We have set up a hotline for you in four languages: Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Hotline: +48 573338377
Viber: +48789085083
e-mail: info@inteuro.info

25-501 Kielce
str. Sienkiewicza 78A (second floor)

The quickest way to find us is by visiting the online platform: Good Neighbourhood Map INTEURO.INFO
We also present on social networks Facebook, Instagram i YouTube.

We are available to you Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00 and on extra duty from 16:00 to 20:00 (selected days).



"INTEURO - program integracji i aktywizacji zawodowej cudzoziemców w Województwie Świętokrzyskim"
Stowarzyszenie Integracja Europa - Wschód
Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Kielcach